نايت مافريك - ويل كوبيستيك

International adventurer and kayaker

What Makes Will Copestake a Nite Maverick?

After earning the impressive title of Adventurer of The Year in 2015, Will Copestake has seen his endless explorations and adventures take him across the globe.

Will’s career is now split between leading outdoor pursuits and photography. Through his company Kayak Summer Isles, which he co-runs with a great friend on the North West Coast of Scotland.

In winter, he often takes this career south to Patagonia, where he works at Kayak En Patagonia, leading guests into one of the wildest areas on earth.


The past year Will spent his winter returning to Patagonia and Antarctica. "Traditionally over the last decade I have ventured to the fjords of Chile to spend five to six months guiding, followed by an epic month or longer exploring the coastal fringes, all by kayak. Our most recent being from the Strait of Magellan to the Beagle channel last April."

"This year I returned for a much shorter, yet equally adventure packed few months. I came to Patagonia to induct the next generation of guides and deliver a basic BCU course to the 2023/24 Kayak en Patagonia team. It is a real honour and privilege to have been invited by Cris, the owner and my good friend, to share my knowledge and experience gained over a decade in the region."

"Venturing south, this time heading further into the lower latitudes by way of Antarctic work onboard the SH Vega, a small 140 passenger ‘expedition’ cruise ship. I use the term ‘expedition’ lightly here as we were by no means roughing it, it is luxury travel made adventurous by location and spontaneity to the weather. Here I was predominantly a kayak guide but also spent much of my time sharing other roles, most of all as a zodiac driver. Developing and gaining hours in small boats, especially in the ice and in presence of whales and penguins is always a pleasure. Over three trips, each 12 days in length, we covered a significant area between the Weddell Sea and the Western fringe of the Antarctic peninsula."


Will is continually challenging himself and his kayak on adventures around the globe.

January - In Ushuaia and Antarctica as a kayak guide for Swan Hellenic.

February/March - Pursuing personal projects and adventures in Scotland, backcountry skiing, sea kayaking and canoeing.

April – Norway and full swing into his guiding season with Kayak Summer Isles as well. Several expeditions to the Outer Hebrides, north coast and some advanced coaching too.

August - Leading a two-week expedition to the western coast of Greenland in kayaks.

Will copestake

Nite Maverick - Click to play video

As Worn By Will

Having worn one of our heritage models the Icon for a number of years, Will now sports the Alpha.

The Alpha is inspired by dive watch designs that started in the 1930s. Since then, there have been many developments, including an Italian naval instrument maker who created a watch with luminous material. This gave a Naval frogman a fighting chance at reading the dial in murky water or during night-time operations.

Our version of the dive watch is shock, sand and saltwater resistant. It has the brightest Tritium illumination available for easy underwater readability and is water resistant to 300 m (1000 ft).

As with all our watches, it is powered by a Swiss movement and made with the finest components.


Find out more

Want to find out more information about Will and follow his progress and future challenges? Check out the Kayak Summer Isles website or Will's Instagram account.