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وُلدت ساعة Nite في عام 2003 على يد روجر جرين بعد أن أذهلته أداء إضاءة التريتيوم وأدرك أن أشخاصًا آخرين مثله سيقدرون ساعة مصممة بشكل جيد تستخدم هذه التكنولوجيا.

واليوم، لا نزال نفخر بأن لدينا مقرًا في مدينة كرايستشيرش الساحلية الخلابة على الساحل الجنوبي لإنجلترا، حيث نقوم بتصميم جميع ساعاتنا الجديدة وإدارة مركز الخدمة الخاص بنا وإرسال كل طلب يدويًا.

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tritium illumination

Often overlooked but always greatly valued, the ability to tell the time with ease in the dark is the reason why each and every Nite watch is fitted with tritium illumination – widely regarded as the world’s best and most reliable form of illumination.

from our hands to yours

Selling our watches exclusively through our website enables us to deliver a truly personal service and allows us to tailor our watches to meet the needs of our community of owners around the World.

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Born from the spirit of independence

Nite is an independent British watch brand with a simple mission to create exceptional watches to be worn with pride.

From our hands directly to yours

Selling our watches exclusively through our website enables us to deliver a truly personal service and allows us to tailor our watches to meet the needs of our community of owners around the World.

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t25 vs t100

We offer both T25 and T100 rated Tritium watches. The T rating refers to the total watch radiation content which is measured in millicuries. All watches with a T25 rating contain up to 25mCi of radiation content and similarly, watches with a T100 rating contain above 25mCi and up to 100mCi. Whilst there are differences between the amount of mCi in the T25 and T100 models, the idea of “which is better” is simply a choice of preference and taste.

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Being able to tell the time with ease in the dark is often overlooked in the process of buying a watch.

This ability however, of always being able to tell the time no matter what the conditions, is always highly valued in the day to day life of a watch.

This is the reason therefore why each and every Nite watch is fitted with tritium illumination - the very best form of watch illumination available.

Tritium illumination

Often overlooked but always greatly valued, the ability to tell the time with ease in the dark is the reason why each and every Nite watch is fitted with tritium illumination – widely regarded as the world’s best and most reliable form of illumination.

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Tritium illumination is a completely safe and reliable form of illumination – the electron emitted by Tritium is so low in energy that it is unable to penetrate the human skin.

The Tritium illumination used in all Nite watches is supplied by mb-microtec of Switzerland – the original founders and market leaders of the technology.

The T rating relates to the total watch radiation content measured in millicuries. We offer both T25 and T100 rated watches.

Tritium illumination will provide a constant glow throughout the night unlike traditional illumination such as Superluminova which will fade in a number of hours.

Tritium comes in a number of different colour variants. We offer watches with green, blue and orange illumination with green appearing the brightest to the human eye, followed by blue and then orange.

Tritium illumination is completely self-powered and doesn’t require sunlight or any other form of external power to operate.




