We first met Nathan late last year and were completely blown away by his immense passion for life and anything that inolves being outdoors, trying new things and pushing his limits.
We were brought together when Nathan challenged himself to master a new venture: Night surfing. (Yes you heard right!)
Being outside, in often uncomfortable conditions meant that Nathan was in need of a fantastic companion to guide him through the treacherous waves ahead. That’s where Nite comes in. Nathan chooses the Hawk to rely on and we’ll find out why as well has hear where this raw passion for surfing came from.
So, where in the World are you from?
“I grew up in Bude which is in North Cornwall. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Australia, but I always seem to gravitate back towards Cornwall, there must be something in the water!"
Surfing is your passion, tell us about the first time you picked up a board.
"I can remember my dad taking me out at our local beach and pushing me into waves almost as soon as I could walk. Our childhood was based entirely around the beach and the ocean."
What made you want to give night surfing a go?
"Night surfing has always fascinated me. Waves don’t stop breaking at night, it’s just that surfers aren’t there to witness them doing their thing. Even the most crowded spots are empty from sunset to sunrise. Often wind conditions calm down at night, causing beautiful textures on the breaking waves and countless perfect waves go completely unridden.
There have been many rudimentary attempts at night surfing throughout surfing history. My very first attempt involved some interesting parking in order to angle the headlights of my car towards the local reef break..."
"Modern technology has enabled a small crew of dedicated night surfers to truly enjoy the incredible and often ethereal experience that is surfing during the house of darkness."
Whether it’s a place to see or something you want to achieve, what’s next on your bucket list?
"I am genuinely excited about a cold water surfing adventure I have planned. Before we entered lockdown I had researched the swell, wind and tide conditions required to fire up a very remote spot which looks like it’s brimming with potential. I cannot wait to travel over and check it out. The icebergs floating along the coastline could be interesting..."
What is a dream of yours that you are still yet to achieve?
"There’s a surf spot that has outwitted me for a few years now. I am committing a serious amount of time to the place this year as I’m certain the rewards are going to be worth the effort.
Outside of surfing, I dream of a long and healthy life with my friends and family, while enjoying the great outdoors. My partner and I have a small piece of land that we dream of one day living off, producing our own food and enjoying a healthy, simple existence."
If you could give one piece of advice to someone looking to get into surfing what would that be?
"Go for it! Find a friend, family member or a professional coach who can show you the ropes and get out there."
"Chances are it will be life changing!"

Who inspires you and why?
"There’s a surf spot that has outwitted me for a few years now. I am committing a serious amount of time to the place this year as I’m certain the rewards are going to be worth the effort.
What is one thing you’re excited for in 2021?
"I cannot wait to travel. My partner Katie and I have been planning a trip to Namibia for a few years and we are hoping 2021 is the year we get there."
What's your biggest achievement so far?
"I would have to say that working in an industry that directly influences people’s health and well-being is my most rewarding achievement."
What’s one thing about you that surprises people?
"Well... It’s kind of a secret... But I may have taken up bodyboarding alongside surfing during lockdown... Please don’t tell anyone..."
Which Nite watch did you choose and why?
"I own the Hawk. I chose this model for its robustness and ruggedness, but I love the fact that it combines just as well with my evening suit as it does with my wetsuit. It’s the ultimate board room to the boardroom watch. The Hawk is perfect for my surfing, as well as camping, training and all other parts of my lifestyle."
Whether you’ve picked up an awesome idea for something new you want to try or feel you’ve found someone new who you can really relate to we hope you’ve enjoyed this insight into Nathan's World, a true adrenaline junkie. Check him out on Instagram